Foreign trade of the Slovak Republic with selected agrarian commodities of animal origin

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Dušan Šimo


Paper points at research of import and export of beef, pork, poultry, cows milk, cheese curds and chicken eggs. Agriculture on the market of the Slovak Republic overcomes imbalanced due to extra labor deployment of enterprise-level management and other staff. Agrarian market was significantly affected by the world financial crisis, which was reflected in our conditions by the growth of gross domestic product, increased unemployment, reduced consumer purchasing power and declined demand for the key agri-food commoditiess. Similar imbalances are also in the agrarian markets of the other EU accession countries and third countries. Beside these factors in a significant proportion of the agrarian market volatility can be attributed to the impact of weather conditions in Europe and the world, mainly due to floods, fires, but also fluctuations in oil and other energy sources. Those and other negative factors affect the results of the agri-business management subjects. Increasing costs of production critical industries plant and animal production enterprises are the result of low competitiveness of domestic producers in comparison with the developed EU agrarian countries

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How to Cite
Šimo, D. (2011). Foreign trade of the Slovak Republic with selected agrarian commodities of animal origin. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (5(54), 170–175.

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