Activities of Agricultural Market Agency in the scope of Common Agricultural Policy

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Marzena Trajer
Marek Wojtkiewicz

The activity of the Agricultural Market Agency since the accession of Poland to the European Union is presented in the study. ARR as the EU paying agency implements (under pillar I of Common Agricultural Policy) the essential part of activities relating to the accomplishment of one of the objectives of CAP - the stabilisation of agri-food markets. The main directions of the market stabilisation activities conducted by the Agency are discussed in the article, i.e. intervention buy-in and sales, aid to private storage, measures relating to trade in agri-food products outside the customs territory of EU, production quota systems. The activities relating to the aid to consumption which, due to their meaningful social functions, have gained more and more importance in recent years, are also presented in the article. Finally, the article contains also the information on the activities connected with the support of food promotion that play an important role in stimulating demand for food produced on the EU market.

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How to Cite
Trajer, M., & Wojtkiewicz, M. (2012). Activities of Agricultural Market Agency in the scope of Common Agricultural Policy. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 471–484.

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