Land management and Common Agricultural Policy

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Dionizy Niezgoda

The purpose of the research was to assess the agreed objectives of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for agriculture. The criteria for the assessment are the distribution of net value added and the payback period of assets in the analysed period and the classes of agricultural holdings by ESU. The research shows that supply economics in feedback with perfect competition allowed food consumers to reach their objectives. Although financial support for agriculture development has a social character, the distribution of net value added among agricultural holdings hardly seems fair. The higher the production potential (assets) of an agricultural holding, the greater participation in the distribution of net value added was. Such division is hardly fair from both an economic and social point of view, since the payback period of assets in the agricultural holdings of the economic size >100 ESU was longer than the payback period in the agricultural holdings of the economic size from 16 to 100 ESU. This unfavorable trend was particularly evident in the years 2008-2010, during economic crisis. The economic position of these large agricultural holdings as well as enterprises is determined by fluctuations in the capital market, which does not support the stabilization of food security.

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How to Cite
Niezgoda, D. (2012). Land management and Common Agricultural Policy. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 345–534.

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