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Bartosz Mickiewicz

The paper presents changes that appeared in animal husbandry between common agricultural index in 2002 and 2010. The comparative analysis was made among provinces and in structure of macroregions. The research works were concentrated on two directions of animal husbandry – cattle breeding and pigs production which together made over 80% of total production value. In years 2002-2010 there was noticed slight increase of stock (4,1%) with total decrease of number of cows by 7,5%. Cattle breeding was carried in 613,1 thousand farms with area over 1 ha, what comparing to total number 0f 1562,2 thousand farms made 32,8%. Decrease of number of farms with stock made significant increase (43,6%) of amount of stock per 1 farm with such agricultural specialization. On the other hand, there was observed a significant recourse of number of live-stock in last eight years, from 18,7 mln units in 2002 to 15,3 mln units in 2010 (18,3%). The total amount of farms with pigs production was 387,4 thousand what was 24,8% of all farms over 1 ha. The studies were focused on two directions of animal husbandry, that means cattle breeding and pigs production, which make over 80% value of whole production. Poland’s accession to the European Union and occurrence of direct payments in agriculture had influence on situation in animal husbandry but in additional area payments the farmer is not granted of number of possessed animals but of area of green arable land.

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How to Cite
Mickiewicz, B. (2012). CHARACTERISTICS OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ACCORDING TO COMMON AGRICULTURAL CENSUS FROM 2002 AND 2010. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 322–332.

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