Marketing efforts in the promotion of investments in the venture capital divestment process

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Piotr Zasępa

Preparation of a portfolio company to the divestment process requires a lot of pre-planned activities that are designed to involve the largest number of investors. The fund managers should create a company that is in the correct phase of its development and is entering a phase of stable growth. The next step in characterizing the Fund is the process of finding a buyer for the shares or the shares of the company, which is often associated with the development of an appropriate description of the company or the long process of finding a strategic investor. In addition, the company operated a VC fund capital often operate in different industries and decision-making aimed at disposal of shares may be significantly different. Unfortunately, it often happens that entrepreneurs and funds spend a lot of time on business development, operational improvements and relatively few in the process of marketing the company's sales. A professional approach to the process of divestment can provide cost savings and time, which translates into above-average rates of return achieved by the fund. This article presents an approach VC funds to promote the marketing of its companies in the disinvestment process.

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How to Cite
Zasępa, P. (2013). Marketing efforts in the promotion of investments in the venture capital divestment process. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (9(58), 646–655.

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