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Marek Dylewski
Beata Filipiak

Keywords : public policy, EU funds, lending, small and medium enterprises
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), just like other entities in the real sphere, in order to function and develop, must make decisions related to the selection of an appropriate source of financing, taking into account its accessibility and acquisition conditions. The article pointed to the directional research on the impact of EU funds on the economy. The following methods were used in the research: basic methods of time series analysis and index methods for analyzing series, used to determine the increase in the observed phenomenon in the analyzed period compared to the base period (dynamics of variation). An analysis of the allocation of EU funds was made to determine whether they have a significant impact on changes in the value of bank lending in relation to the SME sector? and was it determined whether there were any changes in the quality of the loan portfolio of entities from the SME sector? The analyzes were aimed at bringing the answer to the question of whether EU funds affect the size of lending activities of banks dedicated to SMEs

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How to Cite
Dylewski, M., & Filipiak, B. (2019). IMPACT OF EU FUNDS DEDICATED TO SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES ON THE SIZE OF LENDING IN THE BANKING SECTOR. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (21(70), 42–55.

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