Marketing instruments in ecological agriculture

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Jacek Chotkowski
Małgorzata Czerwińska

Marketing is the essential element of the strategy in ecological agriculture because of existing barriers causing the decrease of competitiveness on the market, like for instance: higher prices, micronized production and consumption or short time of the usefulness of products for consuming. The base of the effectiveness of marketing activities in any enterprise should be special quality of its products, which means ecological quality. The main goal of this article is to identify the basic elements of the strategy and marketing instruments, which both determine the increase of amount of ecological products in the Polish market. Marketing activities should have complex character. Firstly, they should be organized as the continuous information campaign which will be led in the name of national sector of ecological agriculture. This educational campaign should prove the essence and values of ecological production methods. The main accent in it should be put into the positive effects of using them. First of all it should show that new, ecological technologies protect the production and do not destroy the environment. Secondly, marketing strategy should be based on market segmentation, the permanent cooperation of producers and directive activity for reaching consumers. The essential role of it is the cooperation of business sector in the aim of cooperative sale under one brand of the product. The next direction of professional marketing is to create the relation marketing which should cause the permanent relations between sellers and consumers. As the example of western countries, Poland should increase the amount of fresh products on the market, instead of processed ones. It is also worth taking into consideration to augment Polish food offer by the sales of semi-products, which are helpful to prepare complete dinner.

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How to Cite
Chotkowski, J., & Czerwińska, M. (2010). Marketing instruments in ecological agriculture. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 160–169.

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