Contoversjonal advertisements and their influence undertalking by consumers purchaser’s decisions

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The special saturation the market, which accompanies the todays times, as well as the intensive competition, they caused that the creators of advertising money transfers struggle from more and more this the larger difficulties of attainment of to recepient. Use is with ways one on attracting attention in advertisement such motives of, content, which the connected with form of given money transfer controversies will arouse. They are then the advertisement the including elements of violence, brave erotica, treating to religious symbols the as well as matter of belief. Then elements in the face which stay indifferent hard. They in study were described both motives of leadership of such advertising workings, as well as this how the oddziaływają they on recepient.

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How to Cite
Grębowiec, M. (2010). Contoversjonal advertisements and their influence undertalking by consumers purchaser’s decisions. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (3(52), 444–455.

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