The development of agriculture in Poland in terms of Common Agricultural Policy

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Walenty Poczta
Anna Rzeszutko

The aim of the paper was to identify the changes in the agricultural sector in Poland in terms of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. Assuming that the development of agriculture includes both a quantitative increase in the basic macroeconomic indicators and structural changes, the article focuses on both the changes in the agricultural income and the level of production (caused by the changes of internal and external demand [foreign trade]), as well as on the changes in the area structure of farms and on the relations between the factors of production. The research allowed to conclude that in terms of Polish membership in the EU the desired - positive transformations in the agricultural sector have occurred. That indicates that development processes in Polish agriculture are taking place. The financial support has significantly contributed to the growth of agricultural income, while the functioning on the SEM has contributed to the increase in foreign trade. These changes were associated with the changes of relations between the factors of production and with increase of their productivity and profitability.

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How to Cite
Poczta, W., & Rzeszutko, A. (2012). The development of agriculture in Poland in terms of Common Agricultural Policy. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (8(57), 366–381.

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