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Aleksandra Nocoń
Irena Pyka

Keywords : macroprudential policy, systemically important financial institutions, capital buffers, MREL, TLAC
The macroprudential policy implemented due to the Basel regulations after the global financial crisis has a preventive nature, although it covers a number of institutional and instrumental solutions aimed at preventing the materialisation of systemic risk. The analysis of these solutions has been linked in the article with their orientation on financial systemically important institutions (SIFIs), operating in the European Union. It is indicated that institutional and instrumental solutions, implemented through the macroprudential policy, significantly increase regulatory discipline in the financial system of the modern economy; however they are not always transparent and their effectiveness is limited, due to the nature of systemic risk. Regulatory dispersion in the European Union is also observed in relation to systemically important financial institutions. It strengthens the arguments in favor of the idea that macroprudential policy has low effectiveness in disciplining the stabilizing role of SIFIs in the financial system of the global economy.

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Nocoń, A., & Pyka, I. (2020). MACROPRUDENTIAL POLICY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AGAINST SYSTEMICALLY IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (24(73), 189–204.

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