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Mirosław Sołtysiak

Keywords : banking services, banking, generation 65
Objective - To determine the preferences of Polish representatives included in the group of those aged 65+ in using the basic types of products on the banking market. Test method - Survey conducted on a group of 569 respondents belonging to the generation of those aged 65+; made with the use of a questionnaire from March to May 2018. Preceded by a pilot study carried out in January 2018. Result - The behavior of Poles belonging to the generation of those aged 65+ on the banking services market was defined. The level of interest in banking products and the level of activity in using these products was estimated, as well as the preferred ways to implement banking services. An analysis of the banking products portfolio of this customer segment was made. Originality / Value - The results of the research are an extension of the state of knowledge about the behavior of clients belonging to those aged 65+ on the Polish banking services market.

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How to Cite
Sołtysiak, M. (2020). SENIORS ON THE MARKET OF BANKING SERVICES IN POLAND. The Scientific Journal European Policies, Finance and Marketing, (24(73), 214–231.

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